One Day in Portugal

Documentary short about the history of the Portuguese language.

Running time 6 minutes.

CogSci 2020

Publications from this study:

Nixon, J. S., and Tomaschek, F. (2021). Prediction and error in early infant speech learning: a speech acquisition model. Cognition, 212, 104697. Journal open access

Nixon, J. S., and Tomaschek, F. (2020). Learning from the acoustic signal: Error-driven learning of low-level acoustics discriminates vowel and consonant pairs. In S. Denison., M. Mack, Y. Xu, & B.C. Armstrong (Eds.) Proceedings of CogSci 2020, the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 585-591). Cognitive Science Society. pdf

The subtitles were arranged by the CogSci organisers.

Video plays in Youtube.